Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Conversation That Sparked an Idea

In our 125th year, Moody Bible Institute will pilot a summer studies program specifically for Christians enrolled in non-evangelical colleges and universities. Read below to learn about the story and vision behind this new initiative.

By Gregg Quiggle, professor of Theology at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago
About 20 years ago, I had the distinct privilege of dining with a member of the United States Congress. I was particularly excited because the congressional representative was Paul Henry, a gifted Christian thinker and the son of one of my heroes, Dr. Carl Henry. Dr. Henry was one of a group of men that included Billy Graham who called for an intellectually robust form of evangelical Christianity. His book, The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism, spurred a generation of young Christians to reengage the culture and think deeply about their faith. That movement shaped my life and education, and it helped stimulate my pursuit of higher education. Unfortunately, Mr. Henry went home to be with Jesus because of a brain tumor in 1993. Dr. Henry joined his son in 2003.

Sometime around 1990, Mr. Henry came to Moody Bible Institute to speak and graciously agreed to have dinner with me. During the course of our dinner, Mr. Henry asked if Moody offered courses during the summer. When I indicated we did, he immediately asked if we offered apologetics. Again, I answered, “yes,” and Mr. Henry exclaimed, “Why don’t you tell anybody?” What we didn’t do at the time was open these classes to non-Moody students. He went on to tell me that he had a daughter attending the University of Michigan, and he had been trying to find an apologetics course for her to take during the summer.

That conversation has stuck with me ever since. I also learned that only about 13 percent of the evangelical students who attend college will attend either a Christian college or Bible college. I have often wondered how many Christian students would really benefit from taking a summer course or two at Moody.

I’m excited to say that this summer Moody will pilot a new program designed precisely for these students--Moody Summer Studies. We have specially designed this program for Christian students in non-evangelical colleges and universities. As a Christian educator, I am really looking forward to this program as the courses will be fun to teach, and I believe they will be a real benefit to these students.

The program will eventually consist of four unique philosophy and apologetics courses that reflect the strengths of Moody but are designed especially for these students. We have also designed the courses with the intention that they will transfer back into the students’ home universities or colleges.

I wish I could thank Congressman Henry for that conversation and his Dad for his thoughtful book. When begin this new program, I will remember them both and the role they played in making it happen.

Perhaps you are such a student or a parent or friend of such a student. Please visit the Moody Summer Studies webpage to learn more about the program. I hope to see there!


  1. Wonderful! Mr. Quiggle will do a great job - he was one of my favorite profs at Moody when I attended 10 years ago! The addition of these summer classes will be a benefit to many. Thank you, MBI!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement Faith Community Church. We are eager to see what God does this summer!
