Friday, September 16, 2011

A Testimony to Moody’s Prayer Legacy

It doesn’t happen too often that a national magazine recognizes the power of prayer. So when a blog post about Moody Bible Institute leading a prayer for rain came across this employee’s desk, she felt compelled to share. 

By, Lindsey Zarob, director, Public Relations 

On September 8, 2011 a link to a post in Back Issues, the archival blog of The New Yorker, made its way to my inbox via Google Alerts. When I clicked on the link I was taken to a post titled, Praying For Rain. As I often do when a Google Alert comes into my e-mail I scanned the article to see where Moody Bible Institute was located. I immediately found our name in the third sentence and began reading the entry beginning to end. 

We ended the month of August with 125 hours of constant prayer and were simply amazed at how many people came alongside us to pray for this historical organization. When I read the blog entry from Back Issues, I felt such a joy in learning of another example of this organization’s steadfast belief in the power of prayer.  We really are continuing an incredible legacy that speaks to the power of our God and Lord Jesus Christ. 

If you have a moment to read the entry you will find that in 1934 NBC hosted a five-minute program dedicated to praying for rain due to a severe drought. Rev. Harold Lundquist who was the dean of Moody at the time was leading this period of prayer. Not only did God answer the prayer for rain, but I thought what an incredible testimony for anyone listening who might not have believed in God. And Moody Bible Institute was a part of that historic moment. 

I’m humbled and grateful at the opportunity to work at a place with such a Bold Legacy. As we come close to the end of this 125th Anniversary year we are launching into our Dynamic Future with new initiatives and God-sized dreams. It is testimonies like this that I believe help fuel our belief that if God showed up like that in the past how much more will He do in our future.